St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Ferndale has a sign in front of their church that has been quite controversial lately. Rather than posting uplifting messages that might inspire people to love their neighbors, this church has instead posted hateful, bigoted, and downright racist messages.
It’s not what Jesus would do at all.
So they have a sign, but we have a website. No one said life is fair.
If you’ve been disturbed by their sign there are a few things you can do to fight back:
- Write an editorial to the Ferndale Enterprise. Several people have responded with good rebuttals lately. Let people know that Bramwell’s messages are not in the spirit of Ferndale.
- Report the church to the IRS as they have broken the law by getting involved in attacking political candidates who are running for office. We’ve made it easy by doing all the research. All you have to do is download this prefilled complaint form, fill in your contact information, and email it to the IRS address on the form.
- St. Mark’s Lutheran Church is a member of the Missouri Synod. You can contact their division office for California/Nevada/Hawaii to register a complaint about the bigoted and racist messages they post, as well as their abuse of their 501(C)(3) non-profit status. Phone: 866-264-6079
- If you’re really adventurous, you could call the church directly and complain.
Abortion Bans Kill Women
This week’s sign once again highlights how little Christians use their critical thinking skills. For example, if God really wanted to make a human form of himself, why did he go the baby route at all, and waste 33 years … Continue reading →
Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. – Luke 21:10-11 The passage Tyrel Bramwell … Continue reading →
Proposition 3
The proposition 3 that is on the ballot for this November is the shortest worded proposition I can ever remember. This is it in it’s entirety: First—That Section 7.5 of Article I thereof is repealed. SEC. 7.5. Only marriage between … Continue reading →
The one true god
Would that be the one true god the Catholics believe in? Or the Episcopalians, or the Methodists, or the non-denominationals? What about the other Lutheran church, is it their god or St. Marks? I know there are Jews in Ferndale, … Continue reading →
St. Marks Lutheran brings Satanism to Ferndale
If you were wondering where I’ve been the last few weeks, well Bramwell hasn’t been posting his signs on his website anymore so I’ve had to resort to other means to grab images of them. You didn’t miss much. His … Continue reading →
The Christian Hates
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. – Proverbs 8:13 But hey, Bramwell, I bet that won’t stop you from voting for convicted felon Donald Trump. You know, that … Continue reading →
Ferndale Rep – The Prom
Tyrel Bramwell hasn’t learned the first lesson about publicity. That is, don’t publicize something you don’t want people to see. Even bad publicity is good publicity. Had he not mentioned The Prom on his weekly tribute to bigotry and stupidity, … Continue reading →
Free Dinner
I could be starving and I would not want to sit down to a free dinner when it is hosted by a bunch of bigots. What is is with Tyrel Bramwell and his weekly obsession of judging others? What the … Continue reading →
God reigns even over Ferndale
God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. – Psalms 47:8 If God reings over the nations, he’s doing a pretty shitty job of it. Russia is killing innocent Ukrainian men, women and children while laying … Continue reading →
Pray for Peace
When in the history of mankind had praying for peace ever worked? The conflicts in the Middle East that have been going on forever, are in fact a direct result of people praying. People who are praying to their “One … Continue reading →