God reigns even over Ferndale
God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. – Psalms 47:8
If God reings over the nations, he’s doing a pretty shitty job of it.
Russia is killing innocent Ukrainian men, women and children while laying waste to it’s cities and threatening global nuclear war.
Israel is retaliating against Hamas by killing innocent Palestinian men, women and children while laying waste to their cities at a level that is easily classified as genocide.
North Korea launches missiles to provoke the U.S. and South Korea on a regular basis.
In fact according to the Global Conflict Tracker, there are currently 27 hotspots around the world.
Pretty hard to argue that God is everywhere, when a cursory glance reveals he’s nowhere to be found.
If God doesn’t have time to save Ukraine, he’s certainly not going to be wasting his time on little ol’ Ferndale.
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