Free Dinner
I could be starving and I would not want to sit down to a free dinner when it is hosted by a bunch of bigots.
What is is with Tyrel Bramwell and his weekly obsession of judging others?
What the hell happened to “love thy neighbor”?
Obviously, loving thy neighbor doesn’t draw people through the doors as much as spreading hate does. And if people don’t come through the doors every Sunday, well, then they won’t be contributing their hard-earned money to the church, and old Bramwell wouldn’t be able to leach off of their donations.
As repulsive as this film is likely to be, no one, and I mean no one, should think of doing anything like spiking the buffet so that the attendees all get diarrhea. There should be absolutely no thought of vandalizing the patrons cars while they are inside the church. And by no means should you stand outside blowing an air horn during the entire film.
Remember, you should love thy neighbor, even if they are a biggoted prick.
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