David Kilmer
David Kilmer has made it a personal quest to remind us all through editorials that he is in favor of America being run only by those Christians who think exactly like him.
His comments are so full of fallacies I thought I’d start rebutting some of his bullshit as well.
North Coast Journal – 2/23/23
Everyone does not get into heaven (Revelation 21:7). The apostle Paul clarified when he wrote, “But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). – David Kilmer
“He found what he was looking for in his inside pocket. It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. He clicked it again, – the next lamp flickered into darkness… Dumbledore slipped the Put-Outer back inside his cloak and set off down the street to number four…” (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 1:46)
Now, just because I’ve quoted you chapter and verse, do you really believe that wizards exist, that they have devices they can fit in their pockets that do magic, and that one of them going by the name of Alfred Dumbledore in particular really existed?
Of course not! But that’s the main methodology that David Kilmer uses in every editorial he writes. He quotes the Bible, because obviously that’s the holy book he was raised to believe is god’s true word.
Which it isn’t, as I point out over and over in my weekly rebuttals to Bramwell’s signs. The Bible is merely a collection of stories, most with doubtful origins or documented retellings of earlier myths, that were gathered, translated, edited, expanded, and interpreted so many different times that we are now at the state where there are 3000 different Christian sects using dozens if not hundreds of different versions of the Bible.
So, until Mr. Kilmer offers some concrete proof that God actually wrote the Bible, which as a logical person I find laughable, I’m going to discount his biblical instructions just as I discount those found in the Koran, the Torah, the Shastras or any other sacred text.
Ferndale Enterprise – Trying to Appease – 3/30/23
“But they are still trying to appeaser and take up the offense of those who have been pressuring them to support manufactured civil rights as opposed to those who have been standing for traditional family values.” – David Kilmer
Right wingers talking about traditional family values is about as hypocritical as you can get. You want to look at groomers, look at the Catholic, Mormon, and Baptist churches that all have ongoing child abuse scandals they would rather sweep under the rug than admit to and solve.
Republicans boast they are the party of tradition family values and yet:
- Ronald Reagan – divorced the mother of two of his children. Married Nancy Davis who bore him a daughter only 7 months after the marriage.
- Bob Dole – divorced the mother of his child, who had nursed him through the long recovery from his war wounds.
- Newt Gingrich – divorced his wife who was dying of cancer.
- Dick Armey – Former House Majority Leader – divorced
- Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas – divorced
- Gov. John Engler of Michigan – divorced
- Former Gov. Pete Wilson of California – divorced
- George Will – divorced
- Sen. Lauch Faircloth – divorced
- Rush Limbaugh – Rush and his wife Marta had six marriages and four divorces between them.
- Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia – Barr has been married three times. Barr had the audacity to author and push the “Defense of Marriage Act.”
- Sen. Alfonse D’Amato of New York – divorced
- Sen. John Warner of Virginia – divorced
- Gov. George Allen of Virginia – divorced
- Henry Kissinger – divorced
- Rep. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho – divorced
- Sen. John McCain of Arizona – divorced
- Rep. John Kasich of Ohio – divorced
- Rep. Susan Molinari of New York (2000 Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker) – divorced
And the biggest hypocrite of the all, Trump, who not only has had three wives, he has cheated on all of them, and is currently under indictment for paying off a porn star he had sex with while his third wife was pregnant with his son who he now ignores.
There’s a list being kept of prominent Republicans that are sex predators, abusers or enablers. It currently has 800 entries such as this one at position #780: Registered Republican Pastor John William Lovelace was arrested for child sexual abuse involving a child under 15.
“Again they are ignoring the First Amendment, which specifically was written to protect free religious speech. And they are ignoring President Thomas Jefferson’s statement interpreting that First Amendment to mean, “thus building a wall of separation between the Church and State.” In the historical context, he meant a wall to protect the church from the state.” – David Kilmer
Here’s the actual quote from the letter that Jefferson wrote in 1802:
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. – Thomas Jefferson
David conveniently ignores the first part, that government cannot favor a religion, while declaring that the second part is the entirety of Jefferson’s reasoning. He does so because in his mind, he would love it if our government was there to enforce whatever morality he believes in. It does not bother him if someone else with a different set of morals has their rights impinged.
He would of course quote some bible passage in rebuttal, claiming that there is only one true set of morals. See my argument above about how foolish it is to quote the Bible as the authority.
“It is not fair to try to isolate one pastor, as if his interpretations of the scriptures is either isolated, incorrect, prejudiced, or biased. A common sense, plain reading of the relevant texts indicate he is interpreting them correctly.” – David Kilmer
First off, if he’s interpreting them correctly, why does the other Lutheran church in Ferndale disagree with him? Why is there another Lutheran church, and why did the Lutheran’s split off from the one real and original Christian church, the Catholics?
Secondly let’s for the sake of argument pretend that his version of the Bible is the correct one and he is interpreting it correctly. Should that absolve him at all? If someone follows Hitler and starts murdering Jews, should we accept their actions because they read Mein Kampf and according to them they interpreted it correctly? See how stupid that sounds?
“I am in support of the plain reading of the Bible as it was written and has been believed by many for 2,000 years.” – David Kilmer
The Bible says Jonah lived in the stomach of a whale for three days. Some bibles call it a big fish because the whales that are big enough for a man to be in their stomach are baleen whales, which if you understand what baleen is, you would know that a whale swallowing a man is impossible to begin with. Then there’s the fact that he survives living in a bath of acid, that he is able to find some material that is dry enough that he’s able to light it on fire, using what? Maybe he has one of Dumbledore’s magic cigarette lighters in his pocket, who knows?
“But if and when this council passes this resolution, with the current buzz words “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” one will have to add that Ferndale is also now identifying with the same woke cancel culture that is dividing the rest of the country.” – David Kilmer
And there you have it, in black and white. David Kilmer is slamming diversity, equity, and inclusion, leading me to believe he must endorse white nationalism, discrimination, and bigotry.
Buzz words? While Democrats have been trying to solve issues like health care, climate change, gun control, and infrastructure, the things that will actually improve your life, Republicans merrily go from one buzz word to another, as if they were programmed robots.
Just a few months ago they were all up in arms about Critical Race Theory, which no Republican understands but Fox News was telling them it was bad and it would be the end of civilization if it were taught. CRT seems to have lost favor though, as drag queens seem to have taken over their conscience as the plague that will kill America.
Dividing America? The liberals? You have to be joking. Republicans are the ones that are dividing America with their Fuck Joe Biden bumper stickers, their Make Liberals Cry flags, and their undying devotion to a twice divorced, twice impeached, and now once indicted former president who has been a racist, bigoted con artist his entire life whose only goal is enriching himself, America be damned. That’s what’s dividing America.
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