Crucified Flesh
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. – Gal 5:24
This verse is about as clear as mud so I had to read the whole chapter that this is excepted from. It starts out with an argument that Christians should not be circumcised. But then a few verses later it says to a Christian, circumcision doesn’t matter one way or the other. Throughout the Bible there are contradictions like this. God’s perfect word would not leave so much room for interpretation.
Either God wanted us men to have foreskins or he didn’t. It shouldn’t be up to a particular religion to decide. While Jews and Muslims are big proponents of circumcision, Christianity remains a bit mixed on the subject. Jesus was circumcised, it seems like if it was good enough for the big guy, then shouldn’t everybody follow his lead?
The apostle Paul decided that circumcision was a spiritual concept, and the physical surgery wasn’t important. This was a landmark decision, and proved quite useful, given that it’s difficult to convince someone to join your church if they’re required to donate part of their penis first. It’s one thing to have your son’s foreskin cutoff, an entirely different decision when it’s your own penis going under the knife.
What really gets me about the whole circumcision debate though, is this: Supposedly God is perfect. God creates man in his perfect image. Well, except for that bit of flesh at the end of his penis. Yep, that’s got to go.
Now I think the reason that Bramwell chose the verse he did to display on his weekly tribute to stupidity, is that he, like many Christians, is willing to give up earthly pleasures in the hopes that he will have a better eternity in heaven. I think. Who knows what an irrational mind really thinks?
But folks, this is the only life you have. Enjoy it. And if that means putting your flesh in someone else’s flesh, I don’t care who it is or where it goes. As long as it’s consensual, and it makes both of you happy, then God bless you, have at it. If God didn’t want sex to pleasurable, then why in the world did he put so many damn nerve endings in our sex organs, and then give us a brain that interprets orgasms as one of the most pleasurable experiences on earth.
Either God doesn’t exist, or he’s the cruelest MF in the universe.
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