There’s a group of people in Ferndale creating division, and it’s not the LGBTQ folks. Nope, it’s Tyrell Bramwell and his obsession with proving to the world that he’s not gay because being gay is the worst thing you can do in this world.
Aside from the fact that if you believe in the Christian god, gays were created by God, just like everything else in this world, Tyrell really has his priorities wrong. What two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom should be no concern of his.
It was probably to be expected that he’d flip during Pride month, but really? Posting little rainbow signs in front of his church since his normal sign isn’t divisive enough. I can’t tell you what his signs say, since I only drive by the church, and I really don’t want to be bothered taking the time to stop and try to read what his warped mind has come up with.
Sure would be nice if he reminded himself that God is Love. Ferndale could use a break from his constant attempts to divide this town.
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